Managing trustee of Kri Foundation, Arshiya Sethi, is a multifaceted personality with an amalgamation of rare qualities. She is a Media personality, a Development Communication expert, Scholar, Artiste, Administrator and a Cultural Visionary.
Arshiya has been a consultant with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, on a Project spearheading a nation wide primary prevention programme on drugs and HIV. In that capacity she helped generate material for text book integration for school children, aimed at protecting them from Drugs and HIV/AIDS and created the brochures and messages for the prevention programme.
She has also edited the Kalyani newsletter, which reports on the impact of “KALYANI” – a health series, which is a joint initiative of Doordarshan and Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, focusing on malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, iodine deficiency, tobacco related and water borne diseases.
Additionally she has mentored, AASRA, An Association for the Scientific Research on the Addictions, a twenty one year old Not for Profit organization working in the field of drug use and being a leader in South Asia for work with drug using incarcerated populations. She has initiated primary prevention for drugs and HIV.
Presenty she is the Managing Trustee of Kri Foundation, and executive Director of India’s signature festival, the largest multi arts, multi venue Festival conducted annually in Delhi and the NCR. Before taking on her present responsibilities, Arshiya was part of the project team that set up the India Habitat Centre, where she was Creative Head Programmes for a decade. Arshiya has been a Fulbright fellow (2003-04-First ever Fulbright Fellow to be attached to the Lincoln Centre for Performing Arts, New York).
She has had an active media career, in both the print and the electronic media. A well known face on Doordarshan, India’s national Broadcaster, she has hosted programmes around the arts and women’s and children’s issues. Arshiya has been an advisory for the Delhi Government, Department of Culture, Department of Tourism, INTACH, Delhibird and various Education and Training Institutes- covering fields of Management, Media and Arts Studies.
She is also working on her Doctoral dissertation – a multi disciplinary study on dance, identity, nationalism and politics from IIT Delhi.
More information on Arshiya Sethi can be found at