Kri Foundation, established in 2003, is a ‘not for profit; organization that has 80G and 12A certification. We work through a right and responsibilities-based paradigm, primarily in three sectors- i) The Arts, ii) Social Development and in iii) Knowledge Creation. We are undoubtedly best known, both in India and overseas, for our efforts to push the boundaries of the Arts, in its themes, collaborations, technologies and intersections. In the Social Development sector, our significant work is on Women’s and children’s issues, our environment- both built, natural and ethical, and the sustainability of the arts sector. Our considerable work with adolescents covers concerns like substance abuse, peer pressure, bullying, body image, self-harm, the prevention of HIV, domestic violence, sexual harassment. We work on raising awareness, including legal awareness, building networks including critical prevention nets and in conducting trainings with focus and at-risk populations, with Communities, Government and Civil Society at large.